John F. Kennedy has said it very well, “Victory has a thousand fathers and defeat is an orphan”. Winners are always being appreciated and surely my visitors would like to know about the winners of LG 3rd annual design the future competition.
The 1st place was occupied by Zack Filbert, Chris Carpenter, James Connors, and Kees Luyendijk, a team of second year industrial design students who created a smartphone with one-handed using ability. ‘Premium’ won the 2nd position of the competition created by Nouphone Bansasine’s, a professional car designer, that contains a 3D interface to connect the phone with the user’s car and do various tasks wirelessly. For the first time, this year Dua Xiong has won the Prop Master’s Choice Award for his smartphone Flutter that has been envisioned to be used in future blockbuster films. Atlas is another phone design that was selected as an honorable mention. This phone can be docked into a base and can project different pages and applications over any plain surface where users can interact with different options through gestures. Another honorable mention is titled as ‘Surface’ that provides a unique shape and Braille keypad to ensure convenient use for the blind people.
Source : Crowd Spring